Monday, September 24, 2012


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Although kids may be scared to think about a fire breaking out in their home, it’s an excellent idea to discuss home fire safety with them.
If know what to do  they know what to do in advance, it may save their lives.

Have you taught your kids what to do in case of fire?The whole family should sit down together and talk about what to do to safely escape a fire that’s started at home.

Escape plans and escape routes are  important for each family member to know.  The goal is to get outside quickly and safely.

Because a fire’s smoke can make it hard to see, it’s important for all to learn all the different exits in their home, and how to get to them from their bedrooms.

To further teach kids about home fire safety, you must explain about not opening their bedroom doors if smoke or heat are present.
–Talk about escape from their windows and collapsible ladders, or having an adult present to help.
–Teach them how to unlock windows and remove screeens, but stress this is only for emergencies.Choose a meeting place in the yard or at a neighbor’s house.Practice a fire drill twice a year.Change batteries in smoke detectors yearly.If caught in smoke-filled room, drop to the floor and crawl to exit so you don’t breathe in the unhealthy  smoke.If clothes catch on fire, DON’T RUN!  Instead, stop, drop and roll out the flames.If fire blocks the door, teach the child to yell from an open window or if available, use a phone to call 911.Stress never to go back into a burning house for a pet or toy…instead tell a fireman about it.Keep bedroom doors closed at night.Keep a flashlight by the bed.Never try to put out a fire by yourself, no matter how small it is.Never play with matches or lighters.

Some parents may want to avoid the teaching the subject of home fire safety with their kids because they feel the children will be frightened.  My feelings are if you approach this topic gently and without fear, your kids will be armed with the knowledge that just may save their lives!


Be sure to learn the dreaded secret that most parents don’t know…
click – The Secret Is:

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There are many areas of our well being that can be made better by  just making a small change here and there.  I decided to reach out to people interested in improving their family’s general health by offering some simple, helpful tips and  intend to cover a wide variety of areas in children’s health.

I hope you find the tips useful and as a result, help improve the health of your family and our planet.  Being involved in the health and wellness field over the past 28 years, I work to make a positive impact on the lives of my clients and their families in the area of wellness.  It is my goal to help make a difference for anyone who desires improved health.


To contact me:


Home Safety For Children
911, Adult, Bedroom Doors, Bedrooms, Change Batteries, Clothes, Electrical Safety, Emergencies, Escape Plans, Escape Routes, Family Member, Fire Drill, Fire Protection, Fire Safety For Kids, Firemen, Flames, Home Fire Safety, Home Safety, House Fire, Household Cleaners, Kids Click, Ladders, Meeting Place, Neighbor, Safety Checklist, Safety Danger, Smoke Detectors, Smoke Filled Room, Stress
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